Looking for a great way to raise money for your school, church or non-profit organization?

Club Car Wash would love to help!

Why fundraise with Club Car Wash?

Fundraising Guidelines

  • Club Car Wash fundraising is limited to Non-Profit Organizations linked to schools, youth sports, or youth activities/groups
  • Organization will sell Elite coupons cards for $20 and keep $10
  • Organizations will have 30 days to sell coupons
  • Club Car Wash does not allow organizations to sell on the premises
  • Representative must sign an agreement with Club Car Wash, outlining each parties responsibilities
  • Organization is responsible for coupon cards while in their possession
  • Once 30 days is up, organization will return any unsold cards and a check for 47% of the profits

Ready to reach out?

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1Contact Details
2Organization Details
3Fundraiser Details
Contact Name